Superabound 75 Book Preorder
Superabound 75 Book Preorder

Superabound 75 Book Preorder

Regular price $1,997.00
Unit price  per 

When you pre-order 75 books on this page, you will receive a 1-hour live virtual workshop from Erin and Steve for up to 50 participants on your team or in your community. Topics include: 

  • Introducing coaching as a leadership tool
    • If you lead people, you need to learn how to coach them. When your people feel empowered and trusted, they do their best work. Which is what makes coaching so effective in a work environment, since it helps people tap into their own confidence and power. Companies who use coaching tend to have higher retention rates and achieve their goals faster than those that don't. This workshop will teach your team the mindset and skills to coach your team, and even yourself, effectively.
  • Helping people achieve big goals without burning out
    • Participants will learn how to operate more consistently from their vision, find wisdom in difficult emotions, and overcome challenges systematically. Content based on the book, Superabound: Live the Live the Universe is Dreaming the For You
  • How to turn tense, emotional situations into wins for all
    • If you ever have meetings that get derailed by people getting upset or going silent, this session will be a gamechanger. Participants will learn the Alignment Protocol, a 3-step process for noticing tension in a meeting environment and using it to create more vulnerable, authentic conversations and decisions. 

Your investment is $1,997 USD + applicable taxes 

Terms and Conditions

Refund policy: This is a non-refundable virtual product that includes books but not shipping fees or duties. The shipping, applicable taxes and/or duties will be calculated when the book is released in mid-July.

If you are one of the 5 recipients of the 75-book preorder package, you will receive an invoice to pay for all shipping costs in July, 2024. Estimates are available by emailing with your company details, including location.

The online workshop will be hosted by Superabound and replays will be available for one (1) month following the live class, for access by your employees or community members only.